Let it hereby be known that squires Loring, Mather, Kaherdin, Gahalatine and Tristram have each acceeded to the rank of Knight-Brother of the Black Order and been granted the right to bear the bone-and-black marked with the Cross of the Fallen.
Let it be known each has sworn the Oath of Joining and drank from the Stone Chalice. Each has foregone the name of family and the bonds of kin, and sworn to recognise no gods or demons as his master. Each has dedicated himself to the One Noble Virtue, Justice, and to uphold it against the manifold ills and evils of this world.
Henceforth, each knight-brother shall be granted the lineage-name of the knight who went before him, and shall be accorded full rights as a brother of the Order.

By the assembled knight-brothers is their oath of fealty to the Order hereby witnessed. Let the bonds of brotherhood borne in blood and battle be unbreakable and eternal. Let the oaths sworn by these men be held in earnest until their dying day, and let our brotherhood, joined in unity by the virtue of Justice, stand free of corruption and impurity.
-Catechism of Joining, repeated by Knight-Seneschal Gaheris

The First Banner of the Black Order, under the battlefield command of Knight-Lieutenant Pelleas