A patrol from the Seventh Banner under Knight-Warden Rabican move to secure the old ruins north of Yursgrad against an incursion from the northmen
The following is the Black Order's first foray into the SAGA ruleset, recently re-released by Studio Tomahawk. In-game, as the Black Order is a fictional creation, it could follow a number of different rules set out in the mixed historical/fantasy SAGA ruleset; I've found it fits the Teutonic Knights (Ordenstaat) ruleset best given its focus on the Knights and the high attrition rate of the peasant levies under the Ordenstaat battleboard.
In-game, the following models represent these Ordenstaat choices:
Knight-Warden Rabican - Warlord on foot
Milana, Sister-Martial - Priest (1pt) OR Black Order Knights - Hearthguard (1pt)
Black Order Knights - Hearthguard (1pt)
Yursgrad men-at-arms - Warriors on foot (1pt)
Yursgrad yeomen - Warriors on foot with crossbows (1pt)
It would be very easy to use the rest of the Black Order miniatures in SAGA - mounted hearthguard and levies in particular could be easily represented with Order knights and more spearmen. However, this 4pt warband is the one I'll learn the rules with for now.
The Black Order's rule over the northern hamlets and towns of the old Kingdom was challenged frequently in the years following the Cataclysm. Even before the return of the Dark, rival Orders, border reivers from the heathen tribes in the North and the encroachment of southron hosts intent on plunder challenged the Order's ability to defend its own.

Knight-Warden Rabican, leader of the Seventh Banner
With greater and greater frequency the Order raised levies from the border hamlets that, in time, became adept rangers and warriors in their own right, forced to adapt or die to the many incursions threatening the Order's holdings. The Edict of Yursgrad, a decree passed by the Grand Master after the near-devastation of the town of Yursgrad by a southron encroachment, meant that all men, women and children of working age would be required to undertake military training to serve in the defence of their own lands.

To supplement the levies and town militias, many Order knights volunteered to lead bands of the Order's men-at-arms and yeomen on far-ranging border patrols, reinforcing the most distant hamlets and ensuring the training of the Order's civilians was undertaken without reservation.

Sister-Martial Milana, attached to the Seventh Banner under Knight-Warden Rabican

Order men-at-arms from Yursgrad

Order yeomen from Yursgrad
Many such patrols were lost to foreign incursion, whether by the southrons, the heathen Northmen or in time through the encroachment of the Dark. Many were the engagements that would have found their way into sagas and legends, were any left alive to tell them.

Black Order Knights: Roland, Agravaine, Angaric, Pelleon